Welcome to Clements Primary Academy
Contact Details
Clements Primary Academy
Greenfields Way
Suffolk CB9 8NJ
Telephone: 01440 702946
Email: office@clementsprimary.co.uk
Key contacts
Headteacher: Mrs Hogg
SENDCO: Miss Feeney and Mrs Hogg
Chair of Governors: Mr John Baillie. John can be contacted at our school address or at chairofgovs@clementsprimary.co.uk
(please contact via the school, marking as ‘private & confidential’)
Administration contacts:
Mrs Bolt, Mrs Price or Mrs Kamara will be happy to deal with any enquiries.
Where to find us
You can find our school on the map below:
Unity Schools Partnership
We are part of Unity Schools Partnership. They are contactable through the following details:
Unity Schools Partnership Offices,
Park Road, Haverhill,
Suffolk, CB9 7YD.
Tel: 01440 333400.
Email: ltaylor@unitysp.co.uk
Website: www.unitysp.co.uk